The EU will ban the use of neonicotinoids that are harmful to bees

EU to ban neonicotinoids harmful to bees

Neonicotinoids are compounds classified as neuroactive insecticidesóin, i.e., to the middleóin inseadobójczych used to control the pestóin agricultural crops. They are chemically related to nicotine and damage the nervous system próThe insecticide manufacturers themselves have financed theów.

Neonicotinoids have been the main suspect in the mass bee die-off for several years nowóThe main suspect in the mass extinction of beesół. Because of this, the European Union partially banned their use on insect-pollinated crops in 2013. The moratorium applied to the three most popular neonicotinoidów – Clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam.

The European Commission’s proposals to ban them completely were supported by member states, including róalso by Poland. The ban is expected to take effect before the end of 2018, and the three nicotinoids mentioned will only be allowed to be used in closed greenhouses.

Over the years, a number of studies have linked the use of nicotinoidóin the selection of bee populationsół. These pesticides reduce in particularóliness the ability of beesó³ to survive the winter period. In one of several large field studies conducted in Germany, Hungary and the UK, the impact of the insecticide was analyzedów on bees from 33 róof the sites, bringing the total to more than two thousand hectares ofóin crops. In the experiment on part of the pół crops were planted with rapeseed, whichórego seeds were previously sprayed with clothianidin. Apiaries were erected near the crops róof all speciesóin beesó³, whichóre constantly monitored.

The results of the experiment showed that contact with beesół with neonicotinoids reduced the survival rate from one season to the next of bee coloniesół zaróboth in England and Hungary. Not only did it riseósł bee mortality rateół (the winter did not survive 25% of. colonies), but the reproductive capacity of the crólowe. German bees have shown greater resistance. Researchers believe that the bioróDiversity. The circles involved in the experiment pól rapeseed was overgrown with wildflowers.

Another study in Canada found that worker bees exposed to neonicotinoids in the first nine days of life lived króby 23 percent. from beesół, whoóre have not been exposed to their. Whole colonies collecting pollen from plants sprayed with neonicotinoids were unable to maintain a healthy królowa and were more likely to suffer from diseases and parasitic infections.

There is also a strong suspicion that neonicotinoids pose a threat not only to beesóbees, but also butterflies or even birdów. A separate issue is the possibility of chemicals getting into theóin to the ground water.

However, someóers, mainlyóThe manufacturers of insecticidesóin, have rejected the conclusions of the studies alleging that the bees were exposed to too high doses of the pesticideów for a long time. It even came to a bizarre situation in which theórej producers questioned the results of the study, whichóre themselves financed. They claimed that the data indicate that there are circumstances in which theóhe neonicotinoids can be used safely, and the negative conclusions of these studies are unfair. Also of similar opinion are someóre groups of farmersów.

"The Commission proposed these measures several months ago, based on a scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority. The results of the experiment showed that contact with bees, but also butterflies or even a bird. Bee healthół is of great importance to me because it involves bioróThe bees were also more likely to be exposed to diseases and parasitic infections in England, Hungary, and the" – pointed out the Commissioner for. Health and food safety Vytenis Andriukaitis.

Neonicotinoids are the most widely used class of agentsóin inseadobóyczczych in the world. During last year’s testóin honey from nearly 200 sites around the world, researchers have found them in as much as 75 percent of the. próbek. The most contaminated próbki originated from America PóNorth – 86 percent. próbek with the presence of at least one of the neonicotinoidsóin, Asia – 80 percent. and Europe – 79 percent. The purest honeyód came from South America, where the presence of the pesticide has been reportedóin only 57 percent of the. próbek.

The vote on the EC proposal has been postponed several times because countries could not agree on the issue. However, the meeting on Friday voted by a qualified majority of theóin favor of banning.

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