20 mice flew to ISS. NASA is studying the effects of a long stay in space On Friday, SpaceX sent another resupply mission to the
Author: laschool4education-adm

The Juno probe recorded a volcanic eruption on Io The Juno probe spotted the eruption on December 21. Four cameras watched the pi for more

IFJ PAN presents first CREDO particle detector data collected by participants’ smartphones The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow

The most accurate image of the center of the Milky Way Astronomers using the MeerKAT network of radio telescopes in South Africa have recorded the

40. anniversary of the Polish cosmonaut’s flight into space. Wishes from the ISS Miroslaw Hermaszewski 40 years ago made his flight into space. He is

56 teams from 16 countries will participate in the 5. edition of the European Rover Challenge Recruitment to 5. edition of the European Rover Challenge

Poles show how the cell fights parasites "jumping genes" Some of the smallest parasites we carry inside us are. jumping genes. Fortunately, our cells have

Astronomers have observed the brightest quasar of the early Universe Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have spotted a quasar as bright as 600 trillion

Where the ‘Oumuamua flew from? Potential stem stars have been located Ever since astronomers spotted ‘Oumuamua, the first-ever object from outside the solar system, they

EU to ban neonicotinoids harmful to bees Neonicotinoids are compounds classified as neuroactive insecticidesóin, i.e., to the middleóin inseadobójczych used to control the pestóin agricultural